register today - we start July 10th!

Healthy Summer Habits

4 Week Challenge

join us for a 4 week healthy habits challenge, to help you implement simple practices that will get you closer to your goals!

we start wednesday july 10th!

Do you feel

Confused with all the conflicting nutrition information out there, and just want to learn some simple and sustainable dietary habits that are backed by evidence?

Frustrated that the busyness, travel and endless days of Summer are keeping you too far away from your goals?

Committed to building some simple and healthy habits that aren't overly-restrictive and are adaptable to any season of life, including vacation travel?

Ready to learn and put into practice some simple habits that aren't overly restrictive but will help you still enjoy the fun of Summer?

Join the 4 week group challenge

During this evidence-based 4 week virtual program, you will be receiving weekly prompts of simple, healthy habits to implement, starting with a protein goal and a fruits and vegetables goal; also known as Lazy Macros. These 2 factors will teach you how to build a high quality meal that will help you reach your diet and fitness goals, anywhere and even on the go.  

The program is focused on instilling healthy habits during the lazy and often endless days of Summer. We focus on addition rather than elimination, and you will receive tips and tricks on making healthier swaps rather than eliminating!

Each week you will receive an email and we will have a 30 minute LIVE virtual call where you can tune in live or watch the playback. On the call and in the weekly email, I will be sharing simple challenge goals to take action on, while providing digestible, bite-sized chunks of info to help you understand the why, how and what. There will also be time each week for live Q&A.

In addition to learning Lazy Macros, you will also be challenged with overall healthy habit practices to strive for. Think daily step goals, sleep hygiene and stress management practices, as well tips for reducing processed foods and alcohol.

Registration now open, and we begin Wednesday July 10th! 


What's included in 

the 4 week program


Weekly 30 minute group coaching calls: Live (and recorded) calls where I'll guide you through the simple but important healthy habits that are the foundations of health. Q&A time included.


Community support and accountability: Ask questions, share struggles and get feedback to help you implement the weekly challenge goals.


Deeper understanding: A weekly email sharing simple, bite-sized lessons and info on the foundational nutrition and lifestyle habits you should be focusing on. 


Comprehensive approach: Good nutrition doesn't happen in a vacuum, so we'll also touch on general lifestyle habits including sleep, stress, alcohol and movement to help you feel and look your best. 

meet your coach!

Hi, I'm Andrea and I'll be your coach for this 4 week journey! I am a Certified Nutrition Coach (PN-L1) as well as a Certified 3 Pillars Method nutrition program affiliate. I am dedicated to taking the confusion out of fueling ourselves well. My goal is to help middle aged women build sustainable dietary habits that aren't reliant on quick fixes or are overly restrictive. No cutting out entire food groups or fasting for long hours or days. 

Build consistent daily habits to optimize our health so that we can live vibrantly in our 50's, 60's and beyond.

I'm also a mother of 3, juggling the demands of modern life while raising kids. Life is already complicated as it is. Nutrition shouldn't be too.

ready for the weekly challenges?

Diet quality 

Fruit and vegetable consumption plays a key role in health and weight management goals. We will strive to increase your intake to 6 cups a day and keep it there.

Protein intake

Determine the right amount of protein needed for your individual needs, and work to increase your intake to meet your goal. 


Remaining active is a key component of healthy aging. We'll keep it simple though and stretch ourselves with a daily step goal.

Alochol, fun foods & general swaps

This isn't a “cleanse” where you will have to white knuckle your way through elimination of all things that make life enjoyable. Instead, we will be challenging ourselves to make healthier swaps and/or reduce consumption. 

Sleep hygiene and stress management

Gentle encouragement and tips on how to improve sleep hygiene and better manage stress.

“The way Andrea approaches coaching and presents the information makes it easy to understand - she also helps quiet down the noise of what is trending this week and what to focus on, how to not get distracted and to stick with the pillars."

amy w.

Is this right for you?


Yes, if you are looking for a simple and fun way to implement some healthy habits over the craziness of Summer, without feeling like you're missing out on all the fun!


No, if you are looking for a super quick “fat burn” program that may be overly-restrictive and unsustainable, especially during Summer.


Yes, if you want to implement some simple foundational nutrition basics that are backed by years of quality evidence.


No, if you feel like there's gotta be a secret to diet success, you just haven't tried it yet.


Yes, if you're crunched for time, enjoy flexibility and want to learn to make simple, doable swaps presented in a short and simple format. 


Final call to register is 11:59 PST on Tuesday July 9th. 

we start july 10th and final group call is on july 31st

summer group participants will receive special discount pricing for the more extensive 6 week Fall group



The Healthy Habits Summer Challenge is a condensed, simpler format with shorter calls and broad challenges. Whereas the Group Program is more extensive in the information presented, and more personalized for individual goals. The Summer challenge is perfect for the woman who wants to give Lazy Macros a try and wants short and sweet bits of info. The Group Program is for the woman who wants to dive deeper into learning and wants more custom tailored guidance. 



Absolutely not. Women of any age can join, as these habits are foundational healthy habits people of any age or sex can incorporate to help improve their overall health. We will touch on why these habits become particularly important during middle age, but overall this program is for any stage of life. 



4 short weekly calls, 30 minutes or less, in a Facebook group. Each week we will be layering on a new healthy habits challenge to work on. You can re-watch if you can't tune in live. You will also receive 4 weekly emails to deliver bite-sized info on the week's challenge. 



While you will receive answers to your individual questions, you will not receive one-on-one coaching in this group program. I am available for one-on-one coaching outside of the group though. 


The Summer Healthy Habits challenge will be a great opportunity to kickstart some great habits, and then you can start the Fall Group Program with a bit of a head-start! You will then be ready to dive deeper with more personalized, structured guidance. Summer group participants will receive a discount for the Fall program when it launches. 



Absolutely. The entire goal I have for you is to be able to feed yourself well no matter how busy you are. Logistically, you will have the ability to re-watch calls and review information on your own time and submit questions whenever needed.

Dog days of Summer got you down? Summer can be a relaxing and carefree time of year, but it can also leave women feeling a bit frazzled. Juggling work and kids home from school, or just a few too many pool parties can result in healthy habits going out the window. 

This can result in us feeling far away from our goals. This 4 week challenge was designed with you in mind. Not overly restrictive, with practical and doable weekly challenges that can help us head into our vacation feeling a bit more refreshed and confident, or help us “reset” after a vacation.

Join us for the 4 week challenge that can help us keep the fun (and health) in Summer!

join me in this journey to building healthy habits in a sustainable, manageable and enjoyable way!

4 weeks only! 

Early bird pricing through july 7th. Price increases to $69 July 8th!